Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2017 lululemon athletica Canada inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
import importlib
import traceback
import sys
from functools import partial
from tight.core.logger import info

[docs]def run(): """ Call create on ``sys.modules['app_index']`` and catch any errors. Typical usage would be to import this module and call ``run`` immediately: .. sourcecode:: python from import app """ try: info(message='CREATING APP') create(sys.modules['app_index']) except Exception as e: info(message='UNABLE TO RUN') info(message=e) traceback.print_exc() raise Exception('could not run')
[docs]def create(current_module): """ Attach functions to the app entry module. Introspect the application function root and create function attributes on the provided module that map to each application controller. An application controller is defined as any directory in the app root that contains a `` file. The name of the controller is the enclosing directory. Given the following app structure: .. sourcecode:: bash | |-app/ |---functions/ |-----controller_a/ | |-----controller_b/ | |-----not_a_controller/ | The controller names collected would be: ``controller_a`` and ``controller_b`` Notice that `not_a_controller` is omitted because there is no `` file in the directory. Assuming that ```` is the module from which ``create`` is called, the result would be that ```` will behave as if it had been statically defined as: .. sourcecode:: python def controller_a(controller_module_path, controller_name, event, context): controller_module_path # 'app.functions.controller_a.handler' controller_name # controller_a callback = importlib.import_module(controller_module_path, 'handler') return callback.handler(event, context, **kwargs) def controller_b(controller_module_path, controller_name, event, context): controller_module_path # 'app.functions.controller_b.handler' controller_name # controller_b callback = importlib.import_module(controller_module_path, 'handler') return callback.handler(event, context, **kwargs) This means that the handler value provided to lambda can follow the format: .. sourcecode:: bash 'app_index.controller_a' 'app_index.controller_b' So long as ``app.functions.controller_a.handler`` and ``app.functions.controller_b.handler`` define functions that are decorated by ```` the call to ``app_index.controller_a`` or ``app_index.controller_b`` will in turn call the correct handler for the request method by mapping ``event['httpMethod']`` to the correct module function. """ controllers = collect_controllers() for item in controllers: name, controller_module_path = item.popitem() def function(*args, **kwargs): controller_module_path = args[0] func_args = args[1:4] callback = importlib.import_module(controller_module_path, 'handler') return callback.handler(*func_args, **kwargs) bound_function = partial(function, *(controller_module_path, name)) function.__name__ = name + '_module' setattr(current_module, name, bound_function)
[docs]def collect_controllers(): """" Inspect the application directory structure and discover controller modules. Given the following directory structure, located at ``TIGHT.APP_ROOT``: .. sourcecode:: bash | |-app/ |---functions/ |-----controller_a/ | |-----controller_b/ | |-----not_a_controller/ | Descend into ``TIGHT.APP_ROOT/app/functions`` and collect the names of directories that contain a file named ````. The directory structure above would produce the return value: .. sourcecode:: python ['controller_a', 'controller_b'] :rtype: list :return: A list of application controller names. """ app_root = os.environ.get('TIGHT.APP_ROOT', 'app/functions') controllers = [] for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(app_root): if ('' in fileList): controller_module_path = (dirName + '/handler').replace('/', '.') controller_name = controller_module_path.split('.')[-2] callback = {} callback[controller_name] = controller_module_path controllers.append(callback) return controllers